Saturday, May 9, 2009

Planting Fun

Its that time again. One of my favorite times in the year. The weather has cleared up, Spring is in the air and it feels like the world is waking up. Yes its planting time! No matter where we live gardens and flower beds a plenty, planters and more.

This year we are trying this Topsy Turvy for our tomato plants to see how they do. We just moved so time and space are limited, namely time. We're still getting acquainted with the neighbors and figuring out where things go. The Topsy Turvy seemed like a good edition to our lovely home. It seemed remarkably easy all in all, kinda a two person job I think. I was so worried about damaging my little baby that I asked for my eldest to assist me. So far I like it, Simple, eye pleasing and portable. My only problem with it, is now that I have a finished product, I wish I had bought more. The children like them, even the meat and potatoes husband wanted to help. I will watch the ones I have put up and see how the plants develop. I am excited to see how things turn out.

Getting back to the basics of things we planted strawberries in a long box for the front porch. I chose a simple design because we planted the Everberry variety. They seem to be very hearty almost kid proof. I have always had very good fortune with this variety. With little to no maintenance they are the perfect plant. My children are already fighting over who gets the first strawberry when they finally ripen.

I would like to get a better selection of fruit barring plants and other edibles on the property for the my children. I have selected pumpkin, watermelon and sunflowers for starter plants. They are easy to find a location on the property and almost plant seed and watch them grow. I'm planting these from previously harvested seeds. I have selected the best producing plants and dried and stored the nicest and healthiest looking seeds. The watermelon and pumpkin just need water, sun and a nice hill to keep them happy. The sunflowers, well they like it about anywhere. I also had a good turn out with these plants last year. We harvested the seeds, some for another years planting, some for the birds and well of course some for us....allot for us... they're good. My Kids thought I was a magician out of the oven mom pulled fresh sunflower and pumpkin seeds.. Good times.

I decided that I needed to have a blast from the past of sorts and I planted a rhubarb plant. My poor dog, Jasmin, has graciously shared her favorite shade tree with my newest edition. I remember growing up and my mother making the best Rhubarb pies. My mom busying in the kitchen, The smells that filled the house, The warmth, and when they were done.... Oh the taste! My mother made such wonderful Rhubarb Pies. I remember thinking, If I ran really fast I could eat a whole one! I never tried it. Always thought my dad would catch up to me. He loved those pies too.
I remember they grew rather well in part shade and part sun. They grew under a very large evergreen tree in our yard as a child. They seemed to flourish so to carry tradition further, I planted my rhubarb under our tree and hopefully, I too can give my children wonderful rhubarb memories of pies and good times.

All that's left to tend to is the house plants. That's tomorrows project. I have a practical "green house" in my home. I can't seem to have enough fresh herbs and succulents. I might even start a few more aloe. I have a few growing nicely that I started from seed. I have a rooted clipping ready for planting. Every mom needs a few of these handy. I need to tend to my mosquito plant, the Stevia that I have been nursing all winter even the venous fly trap seems to be waking and could use some green thumb love. Eventually I would like to further my plant variety with an actual greenhouse for an all year experience for my family. But for now I have plenty to keep me and the children busy. I'll let you know how it goes.

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