Saturday, June 20, 2009

I have to say the world needs to change faster. I want to get the word out faster. I am a current participant with the following

Check out this page as well.

Join me in my fight to save our home for our future our children. I can only hope what we do today is enough.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Solar Panels

I just found this. I'm so excited. I finally found a do it yourself, earth friendly and I might even make a buck out of being a better person!
Green Energy

You should take a look at this.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kicking Back

Hi everyone.
I'm having a slow day today.

I'm going to be off work for a while thanks to an injury so I thought I'd enjoy myself today. It was rather nice. It's been so long since I did NOTHING! I spent time with my children , we watched movies and played. I made a pitcher of sun tea and tuna sandwiches. I didn't run myself ragged or overwork myself, I took it slow and easy. Me and the kids even slept in today. I really did spoiled myself today.

We feed the Venus fly trap today. The kids had a blast looking for bugs. They caught all kinds of interesting insects. A Venus fly trap "buffet" of sorts. I think I seen an earwig in the mix. There was so much excitement and laughter, both kids in the dirt and chasing bugs! It's things like this I miss. It's things like this we all miss. Even when I slow things down, I still don't get this much enjoyment in the good things in life. I may have stopped and took a break, but my mind is still racing about the 50 million things left to be done, the bills, meal planning, car maintenance that life still gets missed. It seems like the only things that happen slow is the bad things. Like my injury for example. We were moving our new couch into the house and we had to reposition it to get into the door. One thing led to another and the bracket on the side of our new sectional corner couch, cracked me in my knee cap. (My BAD knee of course.) Now the actual event, didn't take no more than a few seconds, but I swear it lasted forever for me! Like it was a slow motion event.
I'm going to take it easy for a while till I recover, so while I have this time I'm going to make the best of it. I'm going to relax.Well that's all for today. I think I'll turn in for the night..... Why not.....Right?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Town ordinance! OMG!

I'm new at this home ownership thing I know. But what I have heard about these town and local ordinance things have turned my stomach! My new home has lost its luster for me, I am so disgusted. The crazy things I was told. I started asking around and it only made it worse. How did things get this way? Am I the crazy one here? Why did people let this happen?

I have got to get to the bottom of this. It can't be this unreasonable. I was mentioning to my older neighbor my plans for the property, replacing decorative bushes with more useful but decorative fruit trees, The dwarf cherry for instance. The dwarf Cherry Shrub has these nice white colored leaves and if trimmed properly, a very appealing bush not to mention functional. The berries can be enjoyed by all, the children, the birds and I can even harvest the seeds and plant them elsewhere. I could plant a few at my moms, She could use them in her yard. I also told the old lady about planting the sunflowers, the raspberries and so on. I told her my kids and the neighbor kids are welcome to the harvesting anytime. It's good for the kids to go out and find and pick their snacks. I send mine out after school they pick what they want for snack or if there's a big harvest, They steal my good Tupperware for the juiciest berries. They bring them in full for mom to make pies, leaving me with usually berry stained containers. Nothing a little bleach can't fix right?

Anyway I was told that my day old chicks that I have ordered from MyPetChicken are against the town ordnance! I asked why and I practically got an adult temper-tantrum from this woman. No farm animals! I'm only allowed cats and dogs nothing else. At this point I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Something about getting run out of my property,blah, blah ,blah...

So in my outraged state I asked around, because in my small town of farm country I think the ordinance building is only open for 3 hours once a month! In my pursuit of the truth I found that a large number of people are disgusted with they re ordinances too. I was told that even in my own home, Inside my very own walls that I own, the town can tell me what I can have in them! I can't have anything but cats or dogs either inside or outside my home on the property or not! Which includes fish, hamster, gerbils etc..etc.. Fully enraged at this point and trying to find a good lawyer, I asked another, and a friend of mine's residence, which she owns as well, she is allowed 2 pets and if she has fish that's all she can have. I mean really. What nonsense is this!

What is the point of owning your home if you have no rights in that home. I was raised be kind to your neighbor, common sense, courtesy, where did this all go? My neighbors can own 20 cats load rottweilers and yappy terriers that don't ever stop barking and this is OK. In my quest for the truth things just got worse. I'm ready to move. I can't find out how to fight these problems and the older people seem brainwashed in these matters, which is all the more confusing they should welcome this lifestyle. I mean at least fish come on! My house came with a rat a few spiders and I did see some ants at the time of purchase. I wonder if she'll run me out over a Pre-existing condition!

More sensibly now that I have ranted, I think I understand the fears and worries about the chickens. But these worries have been mislead. hens are really not that noisy, It's that Rooster! but I won't go back into that. If its the poo. I have that covered and my garden eagerly awaits. This is all common sense stuff, again back to be kind to thy neighbor.... Has everyone forgot?
I don't want to upset I want my family and my neighbors to be happy. This I think boils down to a lack of education and these older individuals that I won't be naming, being stuck and stubborn. Even the retired man that served numerous years in the military seams to corrupted. I just can't imagine giving your life body and soul to this country fighting for everyones right for freedom and happiness to so bluntly give them all up.

I want to practice a more wholesome lifestyle and pass it down to my children and grandchildren. For their future and their descendants if not the actual place but the knowledge the experiences, the family moments that bond us all. The good times that we all occasionally think back to. That special time when even the bad that one moment was perfect.

If more and more people try turning more to the old ways even in any small way this world might be a better place. I know the go, go, go lifestyle don't leave much time for much, but that's where the problems lie. Both parents have to work, have to pay for the sitter, the parents have to work more, prices go up.... the spiral continues. Before long the family don't get to each other. What about the kids? Years ago there was love in what people did or made. There was pride in everything. Now I'm not saying back then was perfect..Oh No. but, we where on to something. This world has made it hard to slow down, almost impossible but damn it I'm gonna try!

I'm getting Chickens!!!!

As i said before in a previous blog, my family and myself have moved to a new home. I have been doing some thinking and some research. I want chickens! I can't own my self sustaining farm right now. I just don't have the funds for such a venture yet. But I can bring some of the adventure and education of wholesome living to my family by just a few hens.

I own a large home with a nice sized fenced in and a non-fenced yard. I can do this. So my planning has begun. First I found the where?. I have chosen for my hens. We decided on ordering day old chicks. We have picked out the Easter Egger-Standard. It is a very attractive bird. They are an enduring bread. I live in planting zones 5-6. So we have a wide variety of weather climates here. I need a bird small enough for my property but heat and cold tolerant. The Easter Chickens are a hybrid type bird. Their bodies are small enough to tolerate the heat and their smaller pea comb makes them compatible with colder temperatures. Hopefully not as susceptible to frostbite. Another wonderful feature of these birds is that they have multi colored eggs, blue, green etc. My kids will surely love them. I can order them sexed, Do NOT want roosters! no way. Wow them boys got a voice box. (I'll wait for my farm). Also I can order them vaccinated. Safety, safety....

I have the blueprints for the tractor-coupe that we will build for the hens habitat. I have searched for quite a while for the right design. I have chosen the tractor type because its portable (that baby got wheels.) I wanted to make sure both my new editions and my family would be comfortable. I looked around the house for suitable materials because (here's a word you'll be seeing allot in my blogs) why buy it, RECYCLE it. I have all the information about raising, feeding and nutrition, I googled everything!, and what I couldn't find out I asked.

The chickens will be perfect! We can Recycle our kitchen scraps not only to our compost but to the chickens, they can keep those nasty garden eating pests at bay, I hear slugs, worms and those darned earwigs are definitely on the menu. They will provide eggs for my family and maybe instead of cookies for those festive times for the neighbors and relatives there will be eggs! If I feed the chickens just right, I'll have fresh manure for all of my plants! This bird is definitely beneficial and Recyclable. Also the eggshells that are left over are also wonderful for fruit bearing plants, Like tomatoes. The eggshells provide much needed calcium to the plant when they produce fruit. Rinse them off and let them dry, I have a mortar and pestle handy (yes its a bit overkill but my plants are my babies too.) just grind up some left over shells and dump right in to the Topsy Turvy and add water.

I'm so excited about this new project and turn in our family's lifestyle and future. I want my boys to learn good values and a little Independence from the mass marketer and commercialism won't hurt a thing. More people should practice or at least know how to be a little self sufficient.

Speaking of self sufficiency my plants are doing well. I would of liked to plant a bit more but I still have allot to consider about the plants placement on the property, what gets the best sun and at what times, where is the shade, the best drainage. I did a few soil samples thank goodness I haven't found intolerable conditions yet. The land needs work but at least its workable. To do the test was quite simply a glass of water. I added a few tablespoons, a drop of dish washing detergent, shook and waited. Really, I went and tended to our new bird feeder and trimmed that shade tree, I spoke of in my previous blog. We have a new occupant in our shade tree we have a few robins that have moved in. Baby robins sounds are sure to be coming. I cut the grass and made diner. I should of let it sit overnight but I didn't. I found out the soil wasn't the perfect ideal mixture but close. The ideal soil would be 40% sand, 40% silt and 20% clay. The lightest floats and the heaviest( the Clay) sinks. the glass should look like it has layers and if not, wait longer.

I could test for drainage but I didn't see any signs of problem areas. I didn't see any moss or slick green areas. If I was to do a drainage test I would dig a 1 foot square in a low spot on the property or in the garden I have chosen. I would then fill the hole with water and see how long it would take for the water to dissipate. Too fast there is too much sand. Too slow and there is too much Clay. Clay doesn't drain well and the plants will get wet feet. Most plants don't fair well at all in those conditions.

I haven't quite chosen weather or not I want to till up my gardens or make an above ground planter. I have found some old tires that are not usable on any of my vehicles so I have decided to Recycle them. I set them in my garage for paint. ( well they have to look nice too!) I will be making potato planters in them. Again I'm excited. I will tell you all about how that goes later.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Planting Fun

Its that time again. One of my favorite times in the year. The weather has cleared up, Spring is in the air and it feels like the world is waking up. Yes its planting time! No matter where we live gardens and flower beds a plenty, planters and more.

This year we are trying this Topsy Turvy for our tomato plants to see how they do. We just moved so time and space are limited, namely time. We're still getting acquainted with the neighbors and figuring out where things go. The Topsy Turvy seemed like a good edition to our lovely home. It seemed remarkably easy all in all, kinda a two person job I think. I was so worried about damaging my little baby that I asked for my eldest to assist me. So far I like it, Simple, eye pleasing and portable. My only problem with it, is now that I have a finished product, I wish I had bought more. The children like them, even the meat and potatoes husband wanted to help. I will watch the ones I have put up and see how the plants develop. I am excited to see how things turn out.

Getting back to the basics of things we planted strawberries in a long box for the front porch. I chose a simple design because we planted the Everberry variety. They seem to be very hearty almost kid proof. I have always had very good fortune with this variety. With little to no maintenance they are the perfect plant. My children are already fighting over who gets the first strawberry when they finally ripen.

I would like to get a better selection of fruit barring plants and other edibles on the property for the my children. I have selected pumpkin, watermelon and sunflowers for starter plants. They are easy to find a location on the property and almost plant seed and watch them grow. I'm planting these from previously harvested seeds. I have selected the best producing plants and dried and stored the nicest and healthiest looking seeds. The watermelon and pumpkin just need water, sun and a nice hill to keep them happy. The sunflowers, well they like it about anywhere. I also had a good turn out with these plants last year. We harvested the seeds, some for another years planting, some for the birds and well of course some for us....allot for us... they're good. My Kids thought I was a magician out of the oven mom pulled fresh sunflower and pumpkin seeds.. Good times.

I decided that I needed to have a blast from the past of sorts and I planted a rhubarb plant. My poor dog, Jasmin, has graciously shared her favorite shade tree with my newest edition. I remember growing up and my mother making the best Rhubarb pies. My mom busying in the kitchen, The smells that filled the house, The warmth, and when they were done.... Oh the taste! My mother made such wonderful Rhubarb Pies. I remember thinking, If I ran really fast I could eat a whole one! I never tried it. Always thought my dad would catch up to me. He loved those pies too.
I remember they grew rather well in part shade and part sun. They grew under a very large evergreen tree in our yard as a child. They seemed to flourish so to carry tradition further, I planted my rhubarb under our tree and hopefully, I too can give my children wonderful rhubarb memories of pies and good times.

All that's left to tend to is the house plants. That's tomorrows project. I have a practical "green house" in my home. I can't seem to have enough fresh herbs and succulents. I might even start a few more aloe. I have a few growing nicely that I started from seed. I have a rooted clipping ready for planting. Every mom needs a few of these handy. I need to tend to my mosquito plant, the Stevia that I have been nursing all winter even the venous fly trap seems to be waking and could use some green thumb love. Eventually I would like to further my plant variety with an actual greenhouse for an all year experience for my family. But for now I have plenty to keep me and the children busy. I'll let you know how it goes.